Montag, 30. Juli 2007
Belohnung für fehlenden Friedenswillen
Die US-Regierung hat Israel für die nächsten zehn 10 Jahre unvorstellbare 30 Milliarden Dollar Militärhilfe versprochen:

"We are helping to strengthen the defensive capabilities of our partners and we plan to initiate discussions with Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states on a proposed package of military technologies that will help support their ability to secure peace and stability in the Gulf region," she said in a statement.

The new sales to Arab countries, notably Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, were not enumerated but will be balanced with a more than 25 percent increase in military aid to Israel over the next 10 years, enabling the Jewish state to keep its qualitative military edge over neighbors with which it has no peace deal.

Israel will receive a total of $30 billion in U.S. military assistance while Egypt, which along with Jordan has made peace with Israel, will get $13 billion as part of the broader package.

Specific figures for Saudi Arabia and Gulf nations like Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, will be determined in the coming weeks, according to Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns, Washington's third-highest ranking diplomat, who will travel to the region in mid-August for follow-up talks.

Rice said she and Gates, who leave for the Middle East later Monday, would open discussions on specifics on their trip going through broad outlines of military shopping lists with the governments involved. Any sales would have to be approved by Congress, where some lawmakers have expressed deep concerns about their impact on the region and Israel.

In 1986, congressional disapproval helped persuade the Reagan administration to cut back an arms package to Saudi Arabia.

But in a conference call with reporters, Burns noted that Israel had on Sunday reversed long-standing opposition to boosting Arab military might and said it understood the rationale behind the plans, chiefly the threat posed by Iran, its alleged drive to develop nuclear weapons and support for terrorist groups.


Israel wird also dafür belohnt, daß es
1.) Seit 40 Jahren unfähig ist, Frieden mit seinen Nachbarn zu erreichen.
2.) Daß es mit dem Iran eine rein fiktive Scheinbedrohung behaupten konnte, die keiner Überprüfung standhält.

Spätestens jetzt ist deutlich, daß unter US-Einfluß nie Frieden in Nahost sein wird.

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